There are several possible reasons for poor performance in your shared database. If you find that performance slows while you are viewing the Notes/History or Activities tabs, refer to the following document:
Title : ACT! Runs Slowly When Viewing Notes or Attachments
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A shared ACT! database can perform poorly if more than one person logs in to the database under a single user name. This can happen If only one user has been defined in a database. A single user database will open with no Login screen so that each person opening this database will essentially be logging in under the same user name. Follow the steps below to create a multi-user database:
1. Launch ACT!
<2. Click the File menu, point to Administration, then click Define Users. The Define Users dialog appears.
3. Click the Add Users button, then type the user's name in the User name box.
4. Select the appropriate security level from the Security level drop-down list.
<5. Be sure Enable Logon is checked, then click OK. The Assign My Records dialog appears.
6. Click Assign Now. The Enter "My Record" Information dialog appears. If the user already has a record in the database, click the Select button and choose their record from the list. If you do not select the user's existing record, you may end up having multiple records for the same user.
Note: Please be sure to note which users have the Administrator security level. Only Administrative users can perform administrative functions such as adding users or defining fields.
ACT!Diag Record Update Interval
Another way of decreasing the bandwidth requirements of ACT! is to reduce the frequency in which ACT! requests updates from the server. To set this option, follow the steps below:
1. Click the Windows start button, then click Run. The Run dialog appears.
2. Type actdiag into the Open window, then click OK. The ACT! Data Diagnostic Tool launches.
<3. Click the Reset menu, then click Advanced Options. The ACT! Data Diagnostic Tool - Preference Settings dialog appears.
4. In the Record Update (lower number increases network traffic) section. Increasing the Interval to check for record updates number will generally improve network performance. The same adjustment will need to be done on each machine that accesses the shared database.
Note: This feature was temporarily removed from ACT!Diag in ACT! 6.0. It has been added back with subsequent builds of The ACT! Data Diagnostic Tool. To receive the lasted build of ACT!Diag, point your Web browser to the Updates and Documents page of our Web site:
Note: If you haven't done so already, you will be required to create an ACT! Profile to acquire this update.
For additional information on The ACT! Data Diagnostic Tool, refer to the following document:
Title: ACTDIAG: The ACT! Data Diagnostic Tool
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The following documents from the ACT! Knowledge Base also discuss slow performance when using ACT!:
Title: System Resources Drop when Outlook Checks for New Messages
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Title: Slow Performance in ACT! when Using a Database on a Windows NT Server
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Title: Slow Performance or "Out of Memory" Message When Using Outlook 98/2000 with a Microsoft Exchange Server
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Title: Slow Performance when Viewing the Notes/History Tab of the Groups Window
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Title: Slow ACT! Network Performance on NT 4.0 with Service Pack 6 or 6a
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