How to Change Fields for Labels and Envelopes

Notice the fields have contact name and company information.
Let say, you want to change the label to home information instead
of company info.

1. Select the "C:Company" field and delete it.
2. Go to the floating toolbar and select the field button.

3. Go to the label, put the cursor(crosshair) over the blank area
    of the label. Starting from left to right, left mouse click one time
    and hold, drag your mouse over to the right side and let go of click.

4. Notice in the image below the Field List box. Select the field
    and press Add. Close Window and repeat this process for each


5. It should eventually look like the example below. Then save this file as
    5160-home or what ever you want to call it. Make sure you include
    the label type or number, just for the sake of being more organized.
    To save- go to File and select Save As and name the file. It should save
    the file in the Reports folder. If you are networked, it may be different.